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Service Outage - Updates

8:20:45 - Service outage affecting our provider's DataCentres in the UK and Europe and US

8:35:00 - Account managers contacting affected customers, advising this page for updates.

8:47:00 - Alternative routes being put in place, clients servers will start to become available

8:47:10 - but slower than normal performance.

09:32:00 - Core servers up, alternative connectivity being provisioned, slower response times

09:32:10 - likely, and connectivity drops possible.

09:40:00 - Root cause identified in Carrier network, services being isolated ETA to fix

09:40:10 - Network incident located in the United States. All the technical teams are deployed 09:40:20 - All services are gradually returning following the isolation of network equipment in 09:40:25 - the US.

09:49:00 - Alternative routes in place, services returning to normal operation

10:00:00 - Site to Site Links (Printing remains issue with alternative routes) all other services

10:00:10 - are op

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